We Like It RAW!

Food that is!  I recently watched a documentary by an Australian named Joe Cross. It’s a self-made documentary about his 30 day raw fruit and vegetable juice diet he went on while driving across the U.S.

Joe (riddled with health issues) was sick of taking pills upon pills every day due to his health issues caused by excessive eating, drinking and too little exercise. By the end of the 30 days, he had lost a ton of weight and was completely off all his medications!

Juicing is a great way to get all the micro-nutrients directly into the body in an extremely absorbable way without the body’s digestive processes destroying the nutrients, or getting flushed out with the high fiber content of the vegetables.

Some Studies even suggest that certain foods when juiced can alleviate, or even cure many of our health problems such as; high blood pressure, cancer, asthma, diabetes, arthritis, allergies and improve brain function and cognition. Sounds good to me!

images nutrient Density of our foods

I didn’t have a juicer to juice with and had never tried a full to 75% raw diet before. I have tried to implement an organic and natural diet at home, but the cry of outrage that rings out from the three men in my house is intolerable when I try to make them be healthy.


So I humbly bought them their so desperately sought after garbage and them bought myself my healthy, organic nutritious food. But when my Fiancé took his new, lower paying job in September, things have gotten very tight.Feeling guilty about buying separate meals for myself, I started to just eat the same foods I bought for my boys and Fiancé. That’s when I REALLY started to pack on the weight. I was depressed. My Fiancé and I were fighting all the time, all of which made me withdrawn.
My boys started complaining that they were hungry all the time because they couldn’t snack as much as they used to. This made me feel REALLY bad! So, the weight piled on… As I would lie on the couch crying and feeling sorry for myself, I would gain more weight from lack of movement  and stress.

Weight and height are used in computing body m...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Long story short, I saw a post by my girlfriend about a 10 juice fast she was doing! With money flowing again, my Fiancé bought me a juicer! (Such a sweetie) and we now have the means for me to buy myself all the things I needed to implement this juice fast!!!
I started it two weeks ago, and lasted about three days before insanely plopping my face into a bowl of Mei Fun rice noodles from the Chinese restaurant next door to my job. So I took a week off and was going to start again!


Great! BUT… I got sick three days ago, just after I started the fast. So! Here I sit all sick and crap. The only thing that kept me from juicing was the fact that I couldn’t stand very long without feeling woozy, and my Fiancé wouldn’t do it for me. The only way he will touch vegetables is if there is Cheese Whiz on it!


juicer (Photo credit: Shockingly Tasty)

I am starting to feel better though! Then hopefully I can successfully RE-start my journey to regaining my health, beauty and vitality once again!!!
I hope you will all join me on my journey to better health! As a matter of fact, I Challenge you Women to do it with me…10 days minimum….30 days Max!

Have you tried a juicing fast, or 75% or more raw food diet? How about The Paleo Diet? Vegan? If so, share some tips, tricks and some juicing recipes with us! Or just share your Story about YOUR experiences with diets, fads and success stories!

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